Science fiction comics: tips for reading

As always, answering this question means letting go of suggestions based mainly on your own experience. Certainly, indeed, titles that deserve a place may be missing from this list, and if you have suggestions, after reading the proposals on this list, do not forget that the comments are just that!
L'Incal Black Science Tales of an imperfect future Xenozoic Tales L'Eternauta Valerian et Laureline Nathan Never Shangri-La Injection V for Vendetta Descender Judge Dredd The Shadow Planet Outer Darkness The Incal Alejandro Jodorowsky and Moebius, two race artists, make the first chapter of that which would become a narrative universe in which the Metabaroni and Tecnopadri would later appear. And to think that everyone was born from the failure of Jodorowky's legendary, titanic attempt to make the first cinematographic transposition of Herbert's Dune.