RTX 3090/3080, the new Nvidia series could go into production within six weeks

The source is an insider of the company verified by Igors Lab, which has revealed how the RTX 3000 series cards are currently in the validation phase. From this information, the site obtained the timing of entry into production, indicating mid-August as the right time. The market launch would take place in September, as has been rumored several times.
Many have noted how perfect it would have been to have the new Nvidia cards together with Cyberpunk 2077. Unfortunately the title of CD Projekt Red has been postponed to November 19th.
As always in these cases we invite you to take this information with due caution, because there is no official confirmation. However, it is increasingly certain that something is moving in the Nvidia house, which sooner or later will actually have to launch its new products. September would be the perfect month to have the new cards, because they would anticipate the next-gen of a few weeks, so as to keep the technological primacy of the PCs intact, at least from the graphic point of view.