PS5: the postponement of the presentation does not dampen our hopes

And so while all the gamers are wondering when we can finally get to know a part of the PS5 line-up and be able to attend this presentation postponed to who knows when, Umberto and Pierpaolo could not help but launch into a series of considerations on the contents of the event and on what, concretely, Sony could choose to show within its highly anticipated keynote. < br>
Warning: the video subject of this news, which you find a few lines higher, was recorded several days before the infau I'm announcing the postponement, so some words may seem alienating, but this has not made us desist from publishing it since, after all, our emotions and our desires remain valid regardless of this slip.
You want so find out why I am so convinced that Sony also shows the design of the console or why for Umberto the products of the third parties will be more relevant than those shown during the Inside Xbox? Well, then make yourself comfortable and listen to that debate and then, as usual, launch yourself in the comments below to let us know, in great detail, what you expect from the PS5 presentation event. Postponement permitting.