PS5: the I / O system is clearly the best, but Xbox Series X has more brute power

Speaking in one of the many nextgen-themed posts that are crowding the digital bulletin boards of the popular forum, the developer begins in his speech stating that "I saw them in action. Although many users, as mere consumers, are unaware of all the ways they will be able to improve games on multiple levels, the difference for developers (compared to current hardware, ed) is amazing. The Xbox Series X SSD and its I / O are fantastic and represent a huge update on anything we've ever had before, Microsoft has done a really good job and there is no assolut nothing to complain about.
But in comparison, the PS5 I / O seems to come from a console that will be on the market in four years, it is simply of another level. And yes, it allows you to do things inaccessible on any other platform "(editor's note: reading and writing data)
While expressing his preference for the PS5 I / 0 architecture, Matt stresses that "both consoles will have an SSD that will allow developers to evolve the video game experience on all platforms, we will all benefit from this choice. But there are certainly things that developers can only do on PS5, getting the same results so quickly and efficiently, on any other consumer hardware. PS5 I / O is a fundamental step forward that will lead to real and tangible results in video games.
The ability to DirectStorage are great, but yes, I expect that the speed and brute power will continue to be a determining factor".
The same the same developer, after a series of call-and-response, asserts that: "the Xbox Series X has an approach to hardware than conventional PS5: for this, speaking of the latest Sony game console, there are more news to talk about,but it is a system that is more strong in other ways."
In concluding his intervention on the social, Matt also clarifies that "it's so strange to see people minimize the introduction of technologies that will help to make the best games. That this technology exists and is used is an objective good, there is a downside, but only the positive elements. There is no other similar solution in consumer products with respect to this configuration (based on hardware with I/O optimized to work with SSD, editor's note) and we want to see companies push further the boundaries of these technological solutions is that they are all to our advantage". In conclusion, finally, thus: "Both consoles are monsters who will turn awesome games. Be excited."
At this point, it remains for us to remind you that the output of the PS5 and Xbox Series X is planned for the end of 2020 at a price that has yet to be announced.
The first version of this news had incorrectly focused only on a part of the statements of the developer, omitting some concepts that are equally important (such as, for example, the greater overall power of the microsoft hardware). A discussion that focused on the comparison between the two hardware next gen, and not on the preferences on this or that system. Where, without hiding, the developer speaks of a net benefit of the system i/o PS5 than that of the Xbox Series X, but not PS5 as a whole in the Xbox Series X that has a full power of CPU/GPU higher.