PS4 July 2020, the best games of the month

Marvel's Iron Man VR Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2 F1 2020 Ghost of Tsushima Destroy All Humans! Other games coming out in July 2020 What are the best games coming out on PS4 in July 2020? At the top of the list is certainly Ghost of Tsushima, the new title created by the authors of inFAMOUS: Second Son, set on the Japanese island of the same name which in 1274 was invaded by the Mongolian army.This month however, Marvel's Iron Man VR, the virtual reality adventure dedicated to the hero in armor, the F1 2020 driving game, the retro-style action platform Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2 and the promising remake of Destroy All Humans !
Marvel's Iron Man VR
Released on July 3rdMarvel's Iron Man VR brings to PS4 a virtual reality experience that fans of the famous hero in armor they shouldn't pass up. In fact, we are talking about an addictive action game designed for the PlayStation VR headset in which we can wear the high-tech armor created by Tony Stark as part of an unprecedented and exciting adventure.
The Ghost, the lethal villain in able to become intangible and to control any electronic device, it was in fact commissioned by someone to sabotage Stark Industries. We will therefore face her and the numerous drones that ended up under her command, flying thanks to the thrusters of the armor and using the many weapons to defend us, first of all the legendary repulsive rays.
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2
Released on July 10thSequel to the action platformer developed as a stretch goal for the Kickstarter campaign of Journals: Ritual of the Night Journals: Curse of the Moon 2 proposes the effective mix of retro-style graphics and gameplay revisited, proiettandoci once again within a disturbing setting of gothic full of monsters and demons to fight for the salvation of the world.
Supervised by Koji Igarashi , the father of the genre metroidvania, the game will put us in the role of the shrewd swordsman eastern Ichigo, allowing us, however, to control a variety of other characters that we will be able to unlock in the course of the campaign, all equipped with special skills. This time we will also deal with the experience alone or in cooperative mode for two players.
F1 2020
In the output the 10 JulyF1 2020 is the new edition of the game guide weblog Codemasters official licensed FIA, and this year promises several interesting innovations. Apart from the inevitable technical improvement, which will allow the game to offer a graphics even more detailed and convincing than in the past, we can in fact access a new single player mode, of a great depth: The my F1 team.
driving a team for a debut in Formula 1 , to be able to add our team to the ones in the competition in season 2020 and try to compete with them to climb the leaderboard thanks to a solid performance, and attention toward the development of a single, fundamental element for the success on the track.
In the output the 17 JulyWithout a doubt one of the exclusive PS4 most anticipated of the year, Ghost of Tsushima tells the story of Jin, a samurai who defeated and nearly killed by the enemy during the first Mongolian invasion of the island of Tsushima, which comes in the guise of a Ghost to avenge his companions, and to free the archipelago from the soldiers in the service of the commander Kublai Khan.
Set in a beautiful scenery like that of feudal Japan, the new title of the Sucker Punch promises to involve us with a fascinating story, outstanding graphics and a wide open world is freely explorable, full of things to do and see. And the duels with bayonets? Resolve in the context of a combat system that focuses on speed and precision of the blows.
Destroy All Humans!
output on the 28th of Julyfifteen years to the day since the release of the original game, Destroy All Humans! back with a remake that promises to be just as fun, inspired by the classic sci-fi movies to tell in his own way an alien invasion took place during the years '50. At the command of the terrible invader Crypto-137, the our task will be to conquer the planet!
To succeed in this undertaking, we will be able to count on a wide range of skills and devastating weapons, recall our flying saucer to obtain fire support and to reduce literally to ashes the cities. Not only that, we can also assume the likeness of a human being and infiltrate among them to destroy them from the inside, in a campaign that is completely out of his head.