Prince of Persia: will Ubisoft announce a new chapter soon?

During the current videogame generation, no news has been announced about the franchise, despite the fact that the loyal public has never stopped asking for a new themed video game, but now something may finally be starting to move. In the past, a gameplay video circulated on Youtube focused on an unprecedented adventure for our Prince who has never seen the light - a sign that in any case there has always been interest from society also for the IP -, and now the team may have taken a further step forward.
Going more specifically, in May 2020 the company registered a new Twitter account called Prince of Persia, unfortunately for now still without content. In addition, a user on Reddit traced the email address used to create the account, i.e. pr******************@u******.* **. The privacy settings do not allow us to read the full name, but the initials suggest a connection with the brand in question.
let's Not forget that just in these last few months, the epic of Prince of Prince is landed on For the Honor, thanks to a small cameo during the event the Blades of Persia , maybe just to see the interest behind the IP. In short, something is boiling in the pot, and many users already have begun to speculate on possible ads for a new chapter to the brand's output on the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X , an announcement that should it prove to be true would surely delight of many.
Speaking of productions, Ubisoft, we recommend you give it a chance to Assassin's Creed Odyssey, the title sold on Amazon that will surely fill your hot summer days.