Pokemon Sword and Shield, Isle of Armor: first opinions of Cydonia on the DLC

The movie attached to the news is nothing but the replica of the direct aired last Friday afternoon on the Tey channel of Everyeye and during which the good Cydonia gave some opinion on the contents present in the Solitary Island of the Armor, expansion that introduces a new explorable map and many new Pokémon to be captured, many of which belong to the previous generation . After playing the expansion for a full 24 hours, Cydonia made several hot judgments on various aspects of the content just introduced, in the meantime answering numerous questions asked by users.
Did you know that Nintendo is refunding the Sword and Shield Pokemon Pass for users who purchased the wrong version? We also remind you that on our pages you will find the guide on how to make Slowpoke evolve into Slowbro di Galar in the Solitary island of the Pokemon Armor Sword and Shield.