Pokemon Sword and Shield, Armor Island: how to find Alola's 150 Diglett

The quest will be assigned by the bizarre Diglett trainer and, once active, all you have to do is go in search of each of the 150 little monsters . Finding them is not easy, but by carefully observing the surrounding environment you may notice the creature's typical tuft, so as to know exactly its position. If you struggle to find them all, you can always take a look at the video above, in which the position of each of Alola's Diglett is revealed.
Here are the rewards that can be obtained by collecting all these "collectibles":
5 Diglett: Alola Meowth 10 Diglett: Kanto Slowpoke 20 Diglett: Alola Vulpix 30 Diglett: Alola Sandshrew 40 Diglett: Alola Raichu 50 Diglett: Alola Marowak 75 Diglett: Alola Exeggutor 100 Diglett : Rowlet, Litten or Popplio 150 Diglett: Alola Diglett Know that it is not enough to reach a certain amount of Diglett to get a reward, but you need to go to the area adjacent to the dojo to talk to the Diglett coach and redeem the prizes that they are up to you. It should also be noted that upon reaching the 100 Digletts you will not be able to choose which Pokémon to receive, but the game will do it for you based on the type of starter selected: to get the other two you will therefore have to resort to exchanges.
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