Pokémon GO, guide: what are the creatures of Galar and Alola present in the eggs

To find a Galar or Alola Pokémon you need to hatch 7 km eggs, the only ones that could contain them.
Here is the complete list of creatures that can be obtained from an egg:
Meowth by Galar Zigzagoon by Galar Darumaka by Galar Stunfisk by Galar Rattata by Alola Sandshrew by Alola Vulpix by Alola Diglett by Alola Meowth by Alola Geodude by Alola Grimer by Alola It should be noted that at the moment it is not yet possible to find these Pokémon in the eggs and we will have to wait for the end of the Special Search Champion of the classic challenge of Pokémon GO to start finding them, or next Monday 8 June at 13:00. The development team has not provided a date for the end of this event, however we suggest that you hatch as many eggs as possible to catch them all.
You have already read our guide on how to catch all Pokémon Galar in Pokémon GO?