Pokémon Café Mix has a release date: will it be set in Italy?

Among the latter, in addition to the return of Pokémon Snap, found the announcement of Pokémon Café Mix, a peculiar puzzle game coming to Nintendo Switch and mobile devices. At the time of the streaming appointment, the development team had not indicated any specific release date for Pokémon Café Mix, but the latter has now been confirmed by the official Nintendo website. According to reports in the production card, the game will arrive on consoles on Tuesday 23 June.
The game will require users to manage a Pokémon Café, where Poket Monsters are used to entertain themselves to consume delicious snacks. During their visits, the creatures can choose to join the staff of the club, making their special moves available to the player to solve the puzzles. By obtaining good results it will be possible to decorate our store, so as to attract a more varied clientele. And to manage a Café Pokémon what better place than Italy? Well, The Pokémon Company may have had the same idea: by carefully observing the announcement trailer it is in fact possible to spot a glimpse that recalls the Gulf of Naples, as visible in the image at the bottom of this news!
Pending any confirmation in this regard, we remind you that a new live broadcast with Pokémon Presents is expected for this week, during which Pokémon Let's Go Gold and Silver could be announced.