PlayStation VR 2 on PS5: Schell Games asks for more precise controllers and no cables

During an interview with GamingBolt, the vice president of the Design section of Schell Games tried to take a look at the future of the Virtual Reality of PlayStation VR 2 on PS5 to explain that "if I could intervene on the design of the new PSVR and ask for one thing, maybe I would rethink the controllers and add advanced sticks and pressure sensors. If instead I could ask for two things, the second would be to somehow disconnect the headset from each cable ".
expressly to the dream of PlayStation VR 2 on PS5 totally wireless, Baldwin believes it is right to underline how "I know I look like a broken disk, but the change of experience offered by a wireless viewer is really deep. That freedom is hard to explain if you've never had it, and it's just as difficult to imagine giving it up once you've tried it. "
To stay on the subject of VR, Schell boss last April Games, Jesse Schell, discussed with WCCFtech reporters why Microsoft is not investing in Virtual Reality and does not appear to expect any future opening to VR games on the Xbox Series X>>>>>>.