Payments, holidays and jobs: what has changed since July

Some of the government's measures to boost consumption start, such as the holiday bonus, the 100 euros (which take over from the 80) and the facilities for construction works. A small guide
(Photo: AB Pool - Corbis / Corbis via Getty Images) With the arrival of July, a series of new measures and subsidies come into force that the government has thought to support the country's economy and boost consumption. Pending the definitive conversion of the revamp dl scheduled for the middle of the month, starting from July 1st, some measures already approved, even before the lockdown, will take place.100 euro bonus
with the increase in the monthly bonus of 80 euros in paychecks which from tomorrow will increase to 100 euros for about 16 million employees with salaries of less than 28 thousand euros per year. This measure, derived essentially from the cut in labor costs, is the result of a change introduced by the Budget Law 2020, which revises the bonus amount introduced by Matteo Renzi's government six years ago now.A benefiting from the increase will therefore be almost 12 million employees with a salary of between 8,174 and 26,600 euros per year who already received the bonus, to which are now added 4 million new beneficiaries with incomes of less than 28 thousand euros. For employees who instead have a salary between 28 thousand and 40 thousand euros there will be the possibility of a progressive tax deduction from 480 euros to 80 euros for incomes up to 35 thousand euros and from 80 euros to zero for the threshold of 40 thousand.
Building interventions
Also starting from July the opportunity to take advantage of the benefits provided by the eco-bonus and the seismabonus with a 110% tax credit for those who decide to start energy efficiency works, seismic adjustment, installation of photovoltaic panels or columns for charging electric cars.On this front are still to be clarified some aspects that will be defined in the conversion of the Dl raise, but on the whole it is a’ tax benefit expected as a deduction for interventions and renovations carried out between the first of July and the 31st of December 2021 .
With the arrival of summer you can start to apply from the first of July is also a bonus holiday to the value of 500 euro for families with one child, € 350 for couples, and of 150 euros for the single, in all cases with Isee up to 40 thousand euros . The revenue Agency has clarified that the forwarding of the requests will have to be done through the app of the public services I, generating a unique code and a Qr code that will then in order to receive the immediate discount of 80% on the part of the structure, while the remaining 20% will be recovered as a tax deduction.Payments traceable and roof to cash
Among the other measures provided for starting in July there are also two measures to combat tax evasion . The lowering of the roof to the use of cash for payments, which is by 3 thousand euro drops to 2 thousand up to 31 December 2021 , with the prospect of bringing it to a thousand euro in 2022; on the other, triggers an obligation for traders, artisans and professionals with income up to 400 thousand euros to install the Pos to accept payments cashless.with regard To the latter point, the government has thought of a measure of the incentive that provides a tax credit of 30% on the fees paid by merchants and professionals that accept card transactions or other electronic payment methods.