Outriders, a video showing the Trickster in action

Outriders, a video showing the Trickster in action

People Can Fly and Square Enix have released a new gameplay video of the third person shooter Outriders dedicated to the Trickster, one of the playable characters, which is shown with all its main features. You will find it at the head of the news and will surely please those who want to know more about one of the first titles coming up also on next-gen.

Outriders will in fact be launched on PS5, Ps4, Xbox Series X, Xbox One and PC at the end of 2020. Unfortunately the official release date is still unknown.

If you are interested in more information about the game, read our recent preview of Outriders, in which Aligi Comandini wrote:

The new broadcast of People Can Fly are clearly designed to sip the information, but the first episode was still able to offer some new gems on the game. Let's imagine that communications on Outriders, therefore, will continue with this compassionate rhythm, until the reveal of more advanced areas, elements still unknown, and of the last mysterious class. We will try to keep you informed during this journey, in the hope that the title will express its full potential and will not end up like other similar competitors.

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