Monster Hunter World Iceborne: that's when Update 4 arrives for free with Alatreon

In these days, in any case, the Japanese government has revoked the status of emergency and the developers of the Osaka house were able to resume their work. With an official press release they then let it be known that the publication of the free Title Update 4 is now scheduled for the first days of July. The exact date will be announced in the coming weeks.
The next free update, which will arrive simultaneously on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC (the three versions are now synchronized) will mark the debut of Alatreon, an Elder Dragon introduced for the first time in Monster Hunter 3. It is a highly unstable monster which, since it is able to control multiple elements, will represent a very difficult challenge for all hunters. Not surprisingly, in anticipation of this fight Capcom has recently made available missions in which it is easier to obtain jewelry to improve armor. Before saying goodbye, remember that the latest update of Monster Hunter World Iceborne (13.5), which added Master Rank Kulve Taroth and Namielle Architemprato, dates back to last April.