Marvel's Iron Man VR, new video: what's in Tony Stark's garage?

The behind-the-scenes video of Marvel's Iron Man VR is accompanied by a message in which Camouflaj producer Yara Abou Samra explains that "from the beginning of development, we knew that Stark's garage would be essential in our virtual reality game. It was supposed to be a place where players would understand the full imagination of inventor Tony. We wanted the garage to allow users to tinker with futuristic technologies and improve their suit to become more powerful by progressing in the main campaign, all with an elegant progression ".
Through the tools accessible in the Stark garage we can customize gl Iron Man's equipment, skills and weapons before taking off, all while remaining within a game ecosystem completely recreated in virtual reality.
According to Samra, in fact, great freedom action offered by the title will be represented inside the garage to ensure the maximum level of identification: the workstation where you can customize and enhance the armor, for example, will include dozens of elements to interact with and have a look at. together with the exoskeleton and its gradual evolution. Also inside the garage it will be possible to unlock aesthetic customizations, also linked to the progression of the game experience and the adventures to be lived with the multiple activities of the main story.
Before I leave you to the video at the beginning of the article, we wish to inform prospective tenants of the Villa Stark that Marvel's Iron Man VR will be available from the 3rd of July exclusively on the PlayStation 4 with PS VR . In the meantime, we leave you in the company of our special on how to fight as Tony Stark in Iron Man VR .