Immune to starting blocks: start the test in 4 regions

The purpose of the application is to notify citizens of the the possibility of having come into contact in the previous 14 days with a person is positive on the Covid-19 test. The download from the Google and Apple stores is free and available from June 2 throughout the Italian territory for devices that meet the installation requirements.
The use of the application, as already written by Wired, it will be voluntary. User data will be protected in respect of privacy, guaranteeing anonymity and the geolocation of the user is recorded. Immuni exchanges randomly generated temporary codes via bluetooth with other devices that use it.
"Council to download it," said Minister Pisano: "It is useful at this time of resuming activities to move safely, protect ourselves and prevent the emergence of new outbreaks ". And he added: "The greater the number of people who download the app, the greater the chance of being warned if you come into contact with a positive case".
The developers of Google worked in the meantime on the app to make it available on the devices of Huawei . The program now runs on the latest models, and now the creators of Immune are at work to expand the audience of your smartphone. Each at the moment, as it says on the website of " Immune , “ in the hope that the issue is resolved, we have disabled the download for free from Google Play for smartphones Huawei and Honor ”. For the technical support of the app is also available a toll-free number, from 7 to 22: 800912491 .