Immune, from Monday 15 June throughout Italy

Anyone can therefore download the app (immediately) and join the group of those who, with the collective collaboration, will be part of the community on Monday of those who will be active vigilant of the expansion of the pandemic using bluetooth, a series of notifications and the reliance on cooperation with health authorities. All on a voluntary basis and on the foundations of a solidarity principle designed to protect the individual, but above all to defend the community.
Giuseppe Conte: download Immune surgery took place in the headquarters of the presentation of the new the PRIME minister-with the update of the measures of closing and reopening of the business in Italy, dictated, however, by the prudence necessary in the light of data of contagion that still does not allow you to ignore the real dangers that exist. Not only that: an intervention that takes place on the day the stock markets around the world collapsed again in the wake of fears of a second wave of infection, which would slow down again economic recovery, and that it would perhaps estimates of GDP since outlined here. A day important, therefore, to return to the importance of Immune it as an attempt to build a bank to the risks of the “Stage 3” or any of the dangers foreseen for next autumn : an app that, net of masks and distancing the social, can help to speed up the detection of outbreaks of infection, cutting in a clear way the chain of infection to keep a low curve of the pandemic and efficient machines of health.
These are the words of Giuseppe Conte in his welcome to Immune:
Monday will be downloaded and will be operational throughout the national territory the app Immune. You can download it with security, with serenity and tranquility, because it is an app that protects the privacy, from this point of view has a very rigorous discipline, is an app that does not invade private space, but at the same time provides you with an opportunity to receive information in the case of contacts that are “suspicious”. It is an app of which we are proud, because in all the safety we provide a service to all Italian citizens and we were the first in Europe, if not among the first in the western world to reach this result very sophisticated from the technological point of view has reached and also exceeded the screening very strict international institutions the most rigorous and accredited.
With the coming of the “day one”, at the start of a communication campaign dedicated, which kicks off with a video uploaded on the YouTube channel of the Palazzo Chigi:
“ A small gesture for a big country “. Made the app, now it's up to the italians.