Harry Potter RPG, new rumor: will it be called Hogwarts A Dark Legacy?

The long list of details on the game, published on Reddit, speaks primarily of a in-depth character editor, who will allow us to meticulously create our fifth year student who, for some strange reason, was transferred to Hogwarts from another institution for wizards. Among the various characteristics of the character that we can decide during the creation phase there will also be the one dedicated to the origins and, according to the rumor, we could decide whether to give life to a half-breed or a thoroughbred. At the beginning of the adventure we will also be able to decide which of the four families to join and, based on this choice, we will face completely different quests. During the game you can also make important decisions, although none of these will allow us to become evil or to ally ourselves with the villain, a very famous Death Eater (at some point in the adventure there may be missions in his shoes) that however, he does not seem to be as powerful as Lord Voldemort, now defeated. The game is in fact set several years after the events of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2> and the children of the magician are now adults, but there will be no shortage of extras of famous people.
In the rumor you speak of a skill tree is very complex, with five different branches to develop: they are mentioned combat spells, and others that allow you to control the creatures. On the basis of decisions made in the story will develop even different branches of the skill tree, which lets you spend points from "Good" or "Evil". About spells and combat, the rumor mentions a combat system slow and based on the strategy, which does not reward the pressure of the random and repeat buttons.
The map will also be very large, and there will be four macro-areas to explore , each full of NPCS with which to interact with, secrets to discover and quests to complete. According to the voice of the corridor, some of the areas featured in the game are Hogwarts, the Ministry of Magic, and Hogsmead. Among the secondary activities will also be the Quidditch, which, according to the author of the post has been reproduced in the game in a manner very faithful to the original, and a game of cards similar to the GWENT. With regard to the main missions, it seems that it also deals with the quest based on the investigation, and for which the development team is inspired by LA Noire , masterpiece from Rockstar Games. You finally mentioned the presence of romance, thanks to which we can be romantic with other characters, and even marry you by the end of the game.
The rumor closes with some details on the release date, probably fixed at June 2021. Speaking of the ad, the author of the post speaks of a trailer released by the end of August.