GTA and Red Dead Online: offline server to honor George Floyd's memory

The repercussions are also affecting the gaming world: there are many appointments postponed, including the presentation event of the PS5 games and the Night City Wire of Cyberpunk 2077, while Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo and many other companies have published messages condemning any form of racism. Now we learn that Rockstar Games has also decided to do its part, in a decidedly unique way: the American company has in fact chosen to turn off the servers of its flagship online games, GTA Online and Red Dead Online, from 20:00 to 22 : 00 today June 4th.
"Black Lives Matter. To honor George Floyd's legacy, today June 4th 2020, from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm, we will stop accessing our online games, Grand Theft Auto Online and Red Dead Online. After the memorial, we hope that you will all join us to honor the many victims of racial injustice in America by supporting their families, black-run businesses, street marchers and coalitions. through the organizations listed here. "
During the scheduled hours, therefore, it will not be possible to play either of the two titles, neither in Red Dead Online, nor in GTA Online. The single-player components, Red Dead Redemption 2 and Grand Theft Auto 5, of course, will continue to be accessible offline.