Godzilla: history of the films of the King of Kaiju

As we anticipated in what was the first chapter of the series dedicated to the King of Kaiju, the Japanese monsters, here we are again talking about the success generated by Godzilla 1954 film starring the homonymous giant reptile shoots atomic rays, of its many enemies , of his battles and his transformation from destroying monster to hero of a nation that saw in the lizard a companion who shared the same fateful fate, and who knew how to transform it into his strength.

< br> From 1954 to today, Godzilla has been the protagonist of 32 films produced in Japan and the States, TV series, Comics, anime and Cartoon.

The film production dedicated to the most famous Godzilloid in history is so vast and long-lived that to classify it was divided into periods or "eras", renamed according to the imperial dynasty reigning at the time in the homeland, a very common practice in Japan where the Emperor is a point of reference for the population even today who has no powers of any kind and the position is only a symbol. So here we have the Shōwa era or the era of "enlightened peace" which starts from the first Godzilla film of 1954 and ends with the death of Emperor Hirohito. The HeiSei era or "era of Peace Achieved" will follow with the ascent to the throne of Prince Akihito, which ended in 2019 when the Emperor abdicated in favor of his son Naruhito and starting the Reiwa era; but leaving out the Imperial lineage and returning to the King of the Kaiju, the division of the production of the films dedicated to Godzilla continues with the Millennium era and that of the Reboot.

Read also: Godzilla: the Kaiju born to be King < br>
Godzilla Shōwa Era Film Between 1954 and 1975 Godzilla, born as a catastrophe for the Land of the Rising Sun, slowly became a hero.

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