Fortnite, Season 3: how to unlock all additional Kit styles

First of all, it should be specified that the Kit skin can only be unlocked by the players who have purchased the Pass Battle and have reached level 60 (in this regard, we suggest you complete the 14,000 XP Quick Challenge and the Weekly Challenge every day). Once you add the skin to your collection, you can start thinking about its alternative styles, namely Happy Kit and Action Kit.
Here is how to unlock the two styles of the character:
Kit ( Happy): Complete any 5 challenges of the Week 6 Kit (Action): Complete 40 weekly challenges You can therefore easily guess that it will be necessary to wait a while before you can get your hands on the two alternative versions of Kit, even if you can to play so much that you reach level 60 on the pass.
In any case you can carry on with your work and follow our advice to complete all the challenges of Week 1 of Fortnite Season 3 Chapter 2.