Fortnite, the Renegade Raider skin returns to the store in a new flamboyant version

The Renegade Raider skin is (or rather, it was) the rarest costume of Fortnite Battaglia Reale: it appeared only once, during the first season, and then never returned to the daily rotation. At the time, Epic Games' Battle Royale was not yet so famous, its worldwide success had not yet exploded. So to date few have that skin.
But, at the time of writing, you can buy the Renegade Raider skin in the store on June 28, 2020. Of course, it is not the basic version, which will remain an exclusive for collectors, but a flamboyant variant that is still very valid. It is offered at the price of 1500 V-buck, about 15 euros per exchange: not too much, considering that Epic Games could have offered it in exchange for real money (and not V-buck) or within a bundle.
Re-proposing it in this way was a wise choice. The ancient owners of the Renegade Raider will not see their collection lose value; all new players will still be able to purchase a similar costume in a flamboyant version. Everyone happy, right? Rising from the ashes and ready to start a firefight! Blaze is ready to bring on the ultimate burn.
Get the Blaze Outfit in the Item Shop now.
- Fortnite (@FortniteGame)