Epson Remote Services and printer support

Remote printer support with Epson Remote Services ERS deals with diagnostics and troubleshooting even without having physical access to the printer, consequently reducing operating costs and minimizing downtime. It is designed to allow only authorized technicians to view error messages to establish the most appropriate service intervention, if necessary by sending staff on site with all that is needed without forcing a subsequent second exit. This is the comment of Luca Motta, Epson Italia's Channel Sales Manager.
Since Epson operates exclusively through indirect channels, we want to give our resellers the optimal solutions to offer the best service to their customers. Epson Remote Services ensures that they can receive a real-time alert if a problem occurs, but it also allows them to remotely monitor the diagnostics of the managed parks. In this way, problems can be identified and resolved quickly or understood even before a service technician is sent.
Among those who have chosen to participate in the launch of Epson Remote Services there is also Quaiz, a Florentine company that deals with printer sales and assistance.
The software allows us to anticipate the needs of the customer and act as a remote where there are problematic situations, in order to avoid any possible downtime. If necessary, by monitoring accurate and timely, we can enable intervention procedures and cleaning cycles, which is especially important for those who print a lot as a our client who manages an outsourcing service for the Italian public administration and printing up to 15,000 pages per day using the Epson printer Enterprise.
In the screenshot above in the article, it is possible to take a look at how it is organized, the interface of ERS.