eBay: ex CEO Devin Wenig in the stalking affair

Devin Wenig, the former eBay CEO and the intimidating campaign The blame for the two was to manage an e-commerce newsletter whose content was often critical in marketplace comparisons. Affected by an intimidating campaign, parcels containing live cockroaches, larvae of flies, spiders, a funeral wreath, pornographic material, the book "Surviving the loss of a spouse" ("Surviving the loss of a spouse") and even a bloody pig mask. The managers also violated the property of the spouses with a break-in aimed at installing a GPS device on the car. Further details of the unpleasant story in the dedicated article published in recent days on these pages.
Today eBay confirms that the subject indicated as "Executive 1" by the documents of the Massachusetts US Attorney's Office is precisely the former CEO. "Executive 2" is Steve Wymer, until last summer Chief Communications Officer. Other suspects also included James Baugh, previously the company's Senior Director of Safety and Security. The deposited cards refer, among other things, to a meeting staged in a "$ 750 Boston restaurant" (we quote verbatim) in which the possibility of sending "chainsaws, human feces and a dead rat" was evaluated.
it All began on the 7th of August last, when the former executives of the company are placed in contact with the couple via Twitter, asking why there are negative comments on the platform . A lack of a response is followed within 24 hours the registration of the email address of the woman to a series of sites and newsletters like that of the Satanic Temple . On August 10, the communication of a first package containing a “fetal pig preserved” shipped, fortunately never reached its destination. The same evening the delivery of the mask stained with blood, followed a few minutes after the receipt of a message on Twitter, rather, explaining: “NOW WE have YOUR ATTENTION?”. From there, a crescendo of crimes and threats. In the weeks following the investigation involved the FBI, going back to the authors of the gestures.
This Monday, the group confirmed it had fired all the managers of the gestures described above, condemning them firmly, making it known to have collaborated with the authorities in order to shed light on the incident and apologizing to those who was targeted.
Source: Bloomberg