Dragon Age 2, Mike Laidlaw is proud to see him in Steam's top 10

Evidently the ex-Bioware, who also worked on Jade Empire and the Mass Effect series, is particularly linked to the second chapter of the Dragon Age series, as is well evident in his tweets.
Laidlaw: "Seeing DAII in the list of best-selling Steam games is damned surreal as far as I'm concerned."
"It was a game full of flaws, but the team worked really hard to make it happen in a very short time that it was given to us, so I always felt proud to have worked on it. "
In fact Dragon Age 2 is remembered as the worst of the Dragon Age, despite some good ideas, especially on a narrative level. Unfortunately, as is clear from Laidlaw's words, the problem of the game was the very short time that EA gave Bioware to develop it, which forced to cut many ideas and to equip it with a more limited game structure than in the first and most ambitious chapter.
Recently Electronic Arts brought some of its titles to Steam, including Dragon Age 2, which apparently some were looking forward to playing. Seeing DAII on Steam's top seller list in 2020 is pretty fuckin 'surreal for me, let me tell you. pic.twitter.com/l5hES4PTrF
- Mike Laidlaw (@Mike_Laidlaw) June 5, 2020 It was a flawed game, but the team worked -so- hard to make it come to life in the limited time we had , so I'm always proud to have been a part of it.
- Mike Laidlaw (@Mike_Laidlaw) June 5, 2020