Destiny 2: all the rumors before the reveal of the new expansion

Black pyramids on the horizon We start right here, from the needs discussion. Bungie's willingness to continue supporting Destiny 2 and not further fragment the community with a reset caused by a possible Destiny 3 was a forward-looking, intelligent and even courageous choice. Since the beginning of Year three, Bungie's moves have raised numerous doubts related to the actual concreteness of a continuous content release, but inconsistent in quality. The recycling of mechanics, assets and choices (which we have repeatedly criticized) hides clear wills which, currently impossible to judge, suggest a focus extremely aimed at relaunching the title with this expansion.
After the separation from Activision, the choice was to concentrate on a reconstruction of the title that is not immediate and bombastic, but with a medium impact over the long term: the first major expansion by independents should have been the tip of the iceberg and so we hope it will be. On the eve of this reveal, therefore, we try to understand what could boil in the pot, what has emerged in recent months and what we could see in the autumn.
At the strategic level, the choices Bungie has been clear: the period of transition between the end of year two and the beginning of the year, four would have been covered by a series of seasons link . The latter would be followed by small portions of the development team, who in the meantime had taken a whole year to better develop the content more. At the narrative level, instead, would have implemented a modus operandi if we are to "classic" and not so original, but that in the field of video gaming has only recently started to use intensively. The choice fell on the use of a plot is horizontal, that is able to connect all the story arc of Destiny 2: the arrival of the ships at the pyramid . To this solution was accompanied by a series of plots of the vertical episodic for every season; that, in short, that some tv series using for years now, and format that is appropriate to GaaS.
The mystery of the Darkness is therefore finally about to be unveiled, and what promises to be one of the biggest conflicts staged by Bungie is getting closer. The teaser released in-game and also on the social of the software house to sponsor the reveal have been emblematic, and, therefore, we know that one of the major narrative arcs of the title will probably be launched towards its conclusion.
In the course of these months, however, numerous rumors have followed and on the basis of the most recent events mentioned above, it is possible to make a selection to understand what scenarios await the guardians on the horizon. First of all, Eris, Europe, and the Ranger. From the teaser released, we know that these three pillars will play a critical role in the course of the next few months. The new season (the last one of the year's three) has not yet been announced, and is therefore clearly understood his role of ring times " or "prologue" of the final act of the autumn.
The ship to the pyramid they arrived at the border of the Solar System, near Jupiter, and in the video you can see how Eris Morn is in the process of investigating of the events is not better specified on Europa , one of the satellites of the planet. The Ranger then, seems to have pointed in the same direction when you sling at full speed with his spacecraft in the space surrounding Europe in the second teaser. As emerged in some of the rumor, therefore, one of the new locations introduced in the autumn will be the satellite of the jovian, the theatre of a possible landing of Darkness, or even the basis of silent activity that is already hidden in shadow. Always according to the rumors (confirmed by the teaser at this point), the famous choice between the Ranger and the avant-Garde should show the first effects in what could be a turning point excellent.
Leaving aside the rumor that they get a veiled confirmation from the teaser, let us take into consideration all that remains for now in the field of speculation more profound. Currently the rumors more reliable (who were told of the location of the jovian and the role of the Ranger) would see the disappearance of a planet (Titan) from those already present in the game, the arrival of a new Raid long and incredibly layered, the new breed indicated with the well-known name of The Veil and the introduction of Calus as a new NPC reference along with Eris and Mara. Other details from the rumor would see the presence of a second new location is tied to the ship to the pyramid. Interesting how, even in this case, Finality (the name of the location) is linked iconographically to a famous artwork of Destiny 2 as it was for Europe.
A question of gameplay regarding the changes to the gameplay however, the situation is more complicated because, although Bungie has stated a substantial upgrade of the sandbox system and the engrams with changes to the perk and weapons are already with the start of the upcoming season, the changes may not end here. Always remaining on the rumors, it would appear that the subclasses will be a very hot topic of the expansion of the autumn. The roads seem to be two: the first involves the much-rumored (since the beginning of Destiny 2) subclass bound to Darkness, and the second that sees a restyling of the existing branches with some structural changes in the free composition of the perk of the subclasses. In addition to all this it would of four new assaults, 28 new exotic weapons and armor, a new dungeon and two new maps for the Crucible.
the One that all call the "Collapse" (we are not very inclined to this name), that is, the expansion autumn of Destiny 2, will be unveiled shortly and we don't hide that, beyond the curiosity of the fund is very high, the one that keeps us on our toes are the very high expectations toward this new chapter. Bungie would seem to have prepared every aspect in the function of this expansion, exposing them also to not a few criticisms in the meantime. Just a few days, and then the veil (this time in lowercase) will be raised on the projects of the software house. That all of this proves true as the rumors about Europe, or that this was all a big ruse, we'll find out on the 9th of June, when once again the Guardians will answer the call.