Cyberpunk 2077 has bewitched us, we tried it in preview!

This time, however, we met him really, and we spent four hours in his company. We were in fact invited to the Bandai Namco offices to test a development version of the game on PC, and needless to say that sitting on that chair and finding yourself face to face with the game menu left us feeling alienating, halfway between the dreamlike and the unbeliever. Cyberpunk 2077 really exists and was there, in front of us, ready to be played and analyzed in every detail. It was four full, profound hours, which allowed us to become familiar with the city of Night City, get to know the first characters, the first mechanics and inevitably get lost in that art design, which immediately can only make fans fall in love such. Between main story, side quests and shootings, Cyberpunk 2077 impressed us, surprised and left some inevitable doubts, that we are sure it will be dissolved before the launch, set for November 19, 2020.