Crash Bandicoot 4: Toys for Bob illustrates the new gameplay

According to the words spoken by the author of Toys for Bob, the next act of this iconic adventure will allow us to unlock advanced upgrades through the acquisition and use of four artifacts, the Masks Quantum.
Guardians of space and time, each Quantum Mask will allow the hero to circumvent dangerous obstacles and to evolve Crash's skills to add a pinch of unpredictability to the consolidated gameplay system. Based on what Studdert describes, thanks to Quantum Masks, our intrepid alter-ego can slow down time, reverse gravity, run on walls, perform rail grinding and use ropes and cables to move from one platform to another.
Among the playable characters there will also be Coco and Neo Cortex, an element that will help expand the range of gameplay options available to users. At this point we just have to remind you that Crash Bandicoot 4 It's About Time will be released on October 2 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, with improvements and optimizations for PS4 PRO, Xbox One X, Xbox Series X and PS5. For further information, on the pages of you can already find our preview of Crash Bandicoot 4.