Crash Bandicoot 4 It's About Time: level structure, a guest star and other details

After Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy and Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled, which represented a heartfelt tribute to the story of the character, now Toys For Bob has the opportunity to do things big and expand the series towards new horizons. Crash Bandicoot 4 It's About Time, as the title clearly suggests, will be a completely new title set immediately after the facts narrated in Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped.
The famous moves of the protagonist return, here flanked by new skills like the ability to run on walls, swing with ropes and slide on tracks. The quantum masks that govern the balance of the universe, at the center of history, will provide Crash with unique powers. From the interview we also learned that the system of the first historical chapter will be taken up, with a more linear hub that allows a more framed progression, an essential choice in a chapter with over 100 levels based on time travel and the discovery of new skills. Apparently, Spyro could make an appearance ...
Find these and many other details in the Special Video that we have attached at the top of this news. Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time will be launched on October 2 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.