Call of Duty Warzone: will not be used in an anti-racism tournament, Activision refuses

There are many export organizations that are trying to give their support to the movement that arose in America, Black Lives Matter, trying to make their contribution in the fight against racism. In the past few hours it seems that the 100 Thieves, the team led by the famous athlete Nadeshot, have asked Activision to be able to use one of their flagship titles, Call of Duty Warzone, as the main title within a large tournament created ad hoc to support a fundraiser in favor of the fight against racism.

However, it seems that something has gone wrong, because the response that the team had from Activision is not the one hoped for. The company has in fact declined the proposal without, of course, leaving any comment, which has caused quite a stir on Twitter, and the comments have gone in one direction, as if to underline the message that the same company has left inside the Warzone lobby . In short, it seems that the company's move was not liked by users, but obviously we cannot know what lies behind the refusal.

Unfortunately, Activision has denied our request to use Warzone for this charity tournament so we ' ll need to postpone Gamers For Equality. We hope to still host this tournament and are working to find alternative solutions.

- 100 Thieves (@ 100Thieves) June 17, 2020

The 100 Thieves then released a statement in which they explain that they are currently looking for alternative solutions to the problem, precisely because they did not expect rejection by the American corporation. The tournament also included the participation of other major sponsors including CashApp and JBL who have not yet pulled back, the fact remains that the organization seems to have remained without main sponsor for such an important tournament.

We'll see what will happen in the next few days and if maybe Activision will return on his steps. Call of Duty Warzone is one of the titles most played of the moment and seems to be unstoppable, and many players are preferring even to one of its main rivals, Fortnite, which just recently has released the new Season , after a huge event that has gathered more than 2 million online viewers on Twitch . What do you think of the issue? Please let us know with a comment in the space below!

If you want to buy the main title, you can do so on Amazon

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