Call of Duty Warzone: players ask for the rescue of teammates as in Fortnite

Unlike what happens in other games of the genre, to save a teammate, the latter must move stealthily in a safe area, which is not an easy task when landing, especially in uncovered areas, a situation that very often leads to death, as being hit by enemies in these circumstances it is incredibly simple.
With the Call of Duty Warzone Season 4 coming, players are asking developers to improve this aspect, allowing for example to load the wounded on the shoulder to bring them to safety, exactly as it happens in Fortnite. At the moment the team has not commented on this proposal but we know that every feedback is carefully evaluated and therefore who knows in the future the desired option may not actually make its debut in COD Warzone.
At the moment we do not know when the new seasons of Warzone, Modern Warfare and COD Mobile will see the light, Activision has in fact postponed the launch of the new seasons by joining the Black Lives Matter campaign to support the black population that still finds enormous integration difficulties in the United States, and beyond .