Bravely Default II also accessible to new fans: it's the Nier Automata of the saga!

Released exclusively on Nintendo Switch, the game looks like a completely new chapter of the franchise and aims to offer an experience that is accessible even for those who have never had contact with the IP. To illustrate this approach, Director Tomoya Asano and Producer Masashi Takahashi recently thought about it during an interview with Famitsu.
During the chat, both wanted to highlight how, after Bravely Default and Bravely Second, the choice to use a numerical indication in the title was linked to the desire to highlight the innovative nature of the production, which will not include any of the characters that appeared in the previous chapters. The IP debut on home consoles was actually compared by Asano and Takahashi to what Nier: Automata was for the Nier franchise. Not surprisingly, they revealed, during development the team has long referred to the game as Bravely: Automata!
Waiting to find out what will be the release date of the JRPG Square Enix, remember that on our pages you can find a first try of Bravely Default 2.