Avengers, a gameplay video from the THQ tie-in canceled in 2011

Probably designed for an output on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360, the Avengers first-person action game canceled by THQ put us in command of the various Iron Man, Thor, Hulk and Captain America as part of a four-player cooperative formula.
Controlling Tony Stark and his armor was struggling with shooter-style mechanics thanks to the use of repulsors and the numerous weapons available to the character, while with the other Avenger things got more physical but also more rough.
This is probably one of the reasons why the project has never seen the light of day, despite the popularity of the Marvel license which, as we know, will be resumed very soon for the promising Marvel's Avengers produced by Square Enix.
Quest ' last knows will be available in stores in September in PC, PS4 and Xbox One versions, as well as streaming on Google Stadia, but we will see it again at the end of June, live, with the video of the War Table.